Posts for: #linux

How I Want to Run Applications

Recently I started work on redoing all my dotfiles in preparation for setting up my new desktop computer. I wanted everything to be slick, streamlined, automated, and simple. Things are so far looking much better than they were before. I have documentation on how to get things setup and I have Ansible playbooks for setting things up in a repeatable way. One of the frustrating things though is that setting up Ansible requires having some kind of Python installation on the host.

Devhost Part 02

The Continuation… In a previous episode we looked at a way to solve the problem of running multiple services that might need to talk to each other in a sane way. The solution was to run each service in a Docker container and to put any container from the service that you want exposed on a common network that is accessible via a proxy service. We also came up with a list of three possible proxy services to use and tested them out (as well as we could at the time anyway) and decided on two options to continue experimenting with.

Devhost Part 01

The Problem Have you ever been working on a web application and had to switch to another application. Possibly you need to fix a bug in another application or maybe the first application needs to talk to the second application, it doesn’t really matter but you know that you need to run a second application now. You start to launch the application and you get a nice error message saying that the port is already taken because your organization has standardized on all applications launching on port 8080 and the first application is still running on that port.