Monads for the Dysfunctional

Since React took off, Functional Programming has really taken off and is being used in more places. Not one to get left behind I tried learning it and applying it in as many places as I could 5 or 6 years ago but quickly realized it wasn’t for me. I’m not going to get into all the reasons for that since most of them are just preference but the big reason why I keep my usage of Functional concepts to somewhat of a minimum is that it makes things overly complicated in many cases.

Who is the Consumer of your Code?

If someone were to ask you who the consumer of your service/app/program/whatever I’m sure you would have a clear answer (or at least I hope you know exactly who the consumer is) but have you ever thought about who is the consumer of the actual code you’re writing and the repository that it lives in? This is something that I think most developers don’t ever really consider until they’re just starting on a new code base and have complaints about the documentation or build process.